Monday, December 22, 2008

Long Overdue Update

Hi Everyone! I am officially a bad blogger for not having posted anything in a month!! Things have been pretty hectic around here since Thanksgiving but we have been taking pictures :) We're packing tonight to go home to Rochester for Christmas. It'll be nice (but COLD!) to have a white Christmas again. With the exception of today (in the 40's), it's been in the 70's here for the last week... I think Rochester is going to be a rude awakening for us!

Lily is doing great and is learning new things every day. She is sitting up on her own, making strides towards crawling and is working on getting a tooth! She babbles to us constantly and squeals with excitement when we tickle her :) The teething also means she drools all over the place, so Mark and I are getting used to having our clothes covered in baby drool... At least Lily gets to show off all her cute outfits since we wind up changing her a few times a day so she can stay dry!

We're looking forward to spending Christmas with our families! Wish us luck for our flight tomorrow!! Have safe travels, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! Thanks so much for checking in on us :)

getting ready to go for a walk at thanksgiving
lily borrowing parker's hat that nini made... and wearing it backwards
the cousins just hanging out
love those chins!
lily's new favorite passtime is to chew on her toes
rocking the leg warmers
she looks just like mark in this one!
chrismas card picture :)
"what are we doing again?"
trying to get the camera!
happy baby :)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lazy Sunday Morning & Baby Baldwin

How does the weekend go by so fast?! We are all just hanging out this morning, Mark and I with our coffee and Good Morning America, and Lily with the blankie her Nana gave her. (The little frog in the blanket is named Lily Mae!)

Sorry I have been delinquent in updating the blog lately. Poor Lily has been sick this week with a fever, so she has been generally grumpy and wants to be held all the time. Which I love, but that makes it slightly more difficult to get anything done... Thankfully, she seems to be feeling better this morning, but we do have to go for her 4 month immunizations tomorrow, so she'll probably be feeling a little sad after that appointment :( Other than that, we have been catching up with friends and gearing up for all of our travel over the next 6 weeks or so. Lily's going to need her own frequent flier number for the holidays!

We also want to congratulate our friends Hillary and Quinn on expecting their first baby! We are SO excited for them!!! Hillary is just through her first trimester and is feeling great, which is amazing. We can't wait to meet little Baby Baldwin :) We'll also be anxiously awaiting the announcement of the baby's sex in about 6 weeks! They have a blog as well if you'd like to take a look: (Hil is much better at updating their blog than I am with this one!)

Here are some pictures from this morning with the blankie and a few I didn't post at Halloween.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Hope you all have your costumes ready for tonight! Lily has some cute Halloween footie PJ's she'll be showing off for the trick or treaters, and we'll get some pictures of it a little later. In the meantime, here are some pictures from the last few weeks, and a video of Lily babbling to us. She has discovered her ability to talk in the last few days, and does it non-stop! She is also giggling now and keeps us laughing all the time :)

talking to Dad

tired baby
Nana, Dad & Lily
Super Lily!!! our future daredevil :)
giggles :)


chilly day
big yawn
"How can I get these things closer to my mouth?"
doggy kiss

Lily's new best friend

Friday, October 17, 2008

Fall Weather & Back to Work

While I'm looking forward to the slightly cooler temps this weekend (mid-high 60's), it has been incredibly warm here (in the 80's!) for the past couple of weeks. It's been great weather for walking and getting outdoors with Lily, though she constantly has a mosquito net around her stroller since we have killer bugs! It will be fun to pull out some of her warmer clothes and maybe take some fall-like pictures this weekend :)

I started back at work in the office this week. It was a slow start, but things are moving along now, and Lily is doing great with our babysitter. She's been protesting a bit when it comes to taking a bottle, but other than that it has been smooth sailing! I miss her a lot during the day, but it's nice that I can work from home a few days a week and still get to hang out with the cutest kid on the planet! Her newest game is razzing and blowing bubbles at us. She does it pretty frequently, and the more you do it back to her, the more she does it to you. She keeps us laughing all the time! Hopefully we'll get to hear her laugh soon too :)

Lily is now an expert thumb sucker and we catch her doing it all the time! It's so adorable, we can't help taking about a million pictures :) Mark has taken to calling me the paparazzi, but he is just as guilty of whipping out the camera :) I'm glad we take as many pictures as we do. Every time I open the file to add new pictures, I look back through all of the old ones and marvel at how much Lily has changed in just 3 short months. She looks like a completely different baby!

Happy Birthday to Lily's Uncle Chris and Uncle Kevin, who share a birthday this weekend. It's hard to believe my little brother is turning 21!! And Kevin - enjoy your last year actually turning 29! Also, congratulations to my old boss Andrea and her husband Eric who had their baby boy this week :) Charlie Owen is a beautiful baby, and we're so excited for their family!!! Hopefully Charlie and Lily can get together for a play date the next time we're in DC.

smiling wiggle worm
surprised wiggle worm
this is what happens as soon as you put her down on the changing table
and in the bouncy chair...
she has gotten really good at smearing drool all over her face - yuck! but still cute somehow...
and there it is again...
fingers are good too

a typical lily looktummy time on the surfboard mat

lily got a nice doggy kiss right after this picture was taken