Friday, August 29, 2008

Smiles :)

Lily has been smiling more consistently over the last two weeks or so, and I finally caught it on camera! She smiles at me and Mark pretty often, usually after she has a full belly or gets her diaper changed, but she also loves to smile at the toys on her activity gym! It is hysterical, and I will try to get a video of it in the next couple of days.

We just got home from our trip to DC last night, and we had so much fun :) Lily was great in the car, actually slept longer at night, and didn't seem to be bothered by the change in our normal schedule. She was a big hit with everyone we visited at Mark's office and my old office, and was completely fine with being passed around to everyone who wanted to hold her. Lily and I even did some outlet shopping while we were there and got a nice fall wardrobe for her :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

She's a Wildcat Already!

Thought you 'Nova Alum would like this one :) We're getting ready for Basketball season already!

And a few more, just for fun :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

General Cuteness & Upcoming Road Trip

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I know we did :)

My dad was here over the weekend, and his friend Tom drove out from Chapel Hill to see us on Friday night. We had a great time hanging out with them! Then Mark's Aunt Candi and Uncle Frank were in town moving their son Nate back into school (he goes to UNC Wilmington), so they came over to spend a couple of hours with Lily yesterday.

Other than that, we have been watching the Olympics and even stayed up past our bedtime on Saturday night to watch Michael Phelps win his 8th gold medal :) It was pretty amazing! The three of us are headed to DC next week so Mark can work a few days from his office there and we can catch up with our friends in the city. It will be Lily's first road trip!

Just a little video of Lily hanging out in her bouncy chair

Baby girl likes to nap on Daddy

Can we say Daddy's Girl?
I swear she's awake sometimes...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Almost a month old...

Just two more days and Lily will be one month old! It's hard to believe that the time has gone by so fast. Sorry I've been behind in updating the blog - it's been a crazy month! Since the last time I posted, Mark's mom was here for about a week, and both of his sisters (along with their husbands and our nephew) were here over the weekend. And then my dad arrives late tomorrow night. It's been a whirlwind, but a fun one!

Lily is eating and sleeping like a champ :) She's going anywhere from 4 to 6 hours at night between feedings, and sometimes it's hard to catch her awake during the day! At her 2 week well-baby check up, she weighed in at 9 lbs. 3 oz. and 21 inches! That's more than a pound over her birthweight and 2 whole inches taller. From our home weigh-ins, she's now over 10 lbs. and she's definitely getting taller. She outgrew newborn clothes last week, and I'm not sure how long the 0-3 month clothes are going to last - I think she's going to be one tall girl! She has so many clothes that I have to make an effort to make sure she wears them all before she outgrows them ;)

It's been really fun to watch Lily become more aware of her surroundings as well. She responds to voices (especially mine and Mark's) and sounds by turning her head and looking for them, and will track objects with her eyes. She's getting really good at holding her head up, though tummy time isn't her favorite thing to do. We're also getting little smiles here and there, and we're really looking forward to seeing those more consistently.

Lily and I will be visiting my office tomorrow so she can meet everyone there, and we're having a blast staying home and watching the Olympics! All in all, it's been a great month, with lots more to look forward to!

She is awake sometimes...
Hanging out with Parker

Aunt Melissa, Parker, Lily & Aunt Rachel
With G-Ma
Asleep on Nana
Looking at Nana
Looking at Aunt Ray Ray
Asleep again :)
This one is the background on my phone!
Holding her head up
My little escape artist
Bath time