Sunday, October 25, 2009

Joey Jog

I know it's been a long time since our last post! No, the blog did not end with Lily's birthday :) We have been busy traveling, celebrating new babies for several of our friends, as well as Mark's 30th birthday! I do have new pictures of Lily to post, but I haven't quite made it to transfer them from the camera to the computer just yet... Soon, I promise!

In the mean
time, I wanted to let you all know about something very special that we participated in yesterday as a family. Mark, Lily and I were all part of the Joey Jog 2009 to support the American Liver Foundation. A close friend of Mark's lost his two year old daughter, Josephine (a.k.a. Joey), three years ago to acute liver failure, and this is a 5K event that they hold to honor her memory each year. Joey was an otherwise incredibly healthy little girl, and was struck by this illness with no warning. The Heppner's hold this event in the hope that their fundraising efforts with help prevent this tragedy from happening to another family. You can learn more about Joey and her story (and see some adorable pictures!), at

The day was amazing!! The event had an incredible turnout, great weather and over 250 participants. The final totals aren't out just yet, but they raised more than $30,000!!! Mark did the 5K run, and I pushed Lily in the stroller. We had a blast, and the rain held out until about 5 minutes after everyone finished the walk! It was a great atmosphere, and a great way for Joey's family and friends to remember her. They had funny, wonderful stories to share about a little girl who sounds a lot like she would have gotten along well with Lily (girly, fearless and independent!). Today would have been Joey's 5th birthday.

Thanks for still reading even though I've been terrible about posting, and come back soon for some new pictures of Lily!