Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lazy Sunday Morning & Baby Baldwin

How does the weekend go by so fast?! We are all just hanging out this morning, Mark and I with our coffee and Good Morning America, and Lily with the blankie her Nana gave her. (The little frog in the blanket is named Lily Mae!)

Sorry I have been delinquent in updating the blog lately. Poor Lily has been sick this week with a fever, so she has been generally grumpy and wants to be held all the time. Which I love, but that makes it slightly more difficult to get anything done... Thankfully, she seems to be feeling better this morning, but we do have to go for her 4 month immunizations tomorrow, so she'll probably be feeling a little sad after that appointment :( Other than that, we have been catching up with friends and gearing up for all of our travel over the next 6 weeks or so. Lily's going to need her own frequent flier number for the holidays!

We also want to congratulate our friends Hillary and Quinn on expecting their first baby! We are SO excited for them!!! Hillary is just through her first trimester and is feeling great, which is amazing. We can't wait to meet little Baby Baldwin :) We'll also be anxiously awaiting the announcement of the baby's sex in about 6 weeks! They have a blog as well if you'd like to take a look: (Hil is much better at updating their blog than I am with this one!)

Here are some pictures from this morning with the blankie and a few I didn't post at Halloween.