Friday, January 23, 2009


It snowed in NC this week! Apparently this happens about once a decade here, so it was pretty neat to see. The schools were all closed for about 2 days, and the closings were scheduled about 12 hours before one flake of snow even hit the ground! We only got about a 1/2 inch, but it did stick to the ground for a day or two so our dog Honey was super excited to play outside for hours on end. She is part Husky, so she couldn't have been happier about the snow and cold weather. Our friend Joelle had excellent timing and sent the cutest hats that she knitted (by hand!) for us. Lily can be seen wearing hers below and has committed to being Joelle's model on Etsy :)

back yard

view from the front door (and my car)

Monday, January 19, 2009

6 Month Appointment!

I'm still in denial that she's this old already! We went for Lily's 6 month appointment this afternoon, and she is doing great :) She weighs 15.8 lbs and is 26 inches long, which puts her in the 70th percentile for height and 50th for weight. Our pediatrician was very impressed with her growth and motor skill development and said that her second tooth is not far behind the first one that just popped through. He also made a note on her chart that said "drools!" which she does pretty much all the time... She had her 6 month immunizations as well, which are never fun :( She recovered quickly and seems to be doing ok since we've been home this afternoon. Hopefully that will continue!

Lily is SO close to crawling and can get from one point to another by a combination of scooting around on all fours and launching herself at whatever it is she's trying to get. She wakes herself up and practices in her crib and has also figured out how to go from all fours back to sitting. It seems like she's doing/learning something new every day! I'll try to get some new pictures and video posted this weekend!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

First Tooth:)

We've had a big week at our house! Lily cut her first tooth last night :) She's been working on it forever and it finally broke through. I'll post some pictures once you can actually see it on camera (I tried taking a few shots, but you can't tell what's going on in there...)

She also learned to splash in the bathtub - see video below :)

all dry after the bath

Sunday, January 11, 2009

6 Months & Her First Taste

We had a great Christmas with our families in NY! It was wonderful to see everyone, and Lily had a lot of fun playing with her cousins Parker and Kayla. Mark and I had a really good time at our 10 year high school reunion - it was nice to catch up with some old friends :) We also had Lily's christening while we were home, at the same church where Mark and I got married. Needless to say, it was a busy holiday!!

christmas shopping on the laptop with dad's wallet :)

trying to steal parker's cheerios while nana's not looking

christmas presents are yummy!

laughing on christmas morning

hanging out with kris & beth

it's cold in upstate new york!

parker & lily are both fans of the wagon

happy to spend some time with aunt melly

post-christening with mom, dad & godparents

all smiles
uncle chris, mom & aunt lauren

I can't believe Lily is going to be six months old this week!!! She still amazes us every day. She is full of personality, sitting up on her own, is just days away from crawling and is working on getting her first tooth! It's hard to imagine that I started this blog a year ago when I was just 12 weeks pregnant. Our lives have changed so dramatically since then, but in wonderful and amazing ways.

Since Lily is SO interested in putting everything she can get her hands on into her mouth, we thought this might be a good time to try her first taste of solid foods yesterday! So far she is a big fan of rice cereal and likes to "help" feed herself with the spoon. I think we are in for some fun (but messy!) meal times from now on!!