Thursday, September 25, 2008

The GGs & Thumb Sucking

We've had a big week here at the Campbell house! My grandparents (Lily's great-grandparents, aka "The GGs") were here for three days this week. This was the first time they met Lily, and we had so much fun! She's been smiling, cooing and gurgling for several weeks now, and she was more than happy to perform for her visitors. Grammy and Grandpa couldn't have been more pleased or proud and it was really special to watch them interact with Lily on their trip. We can't wait to see them again at Christmas!

With the GGs
Napping on Grammy
Our visit to the USS North Carolina right across the Cape Fear River
There was an alligator swimming next to the boat!

Lily found her thumb last night! Mark and I noticed she had it in her mouth for her late nap, and it was there again this morning when we checked in on her. It was so cute that we had to take some pictures :) Looking forward to braces in 10-12 years... I guess this is payback since Mark and I were both thumb suckers and both had braces!

And, as always, we had several photo shoots this week :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Two months old!

Lily turned two months old on Sunday! We can't believe the time has gone by so fast and that we have been blessed with such a wonderful baby. She is happy, easygoing and sleeping through the night, all of which make Mom and Dad very happy :)

We had Lily's 2 month well-baby checkup yesterday, and she is doing great! She is now 12 lbs. 3 oz. and 23 1/2 inches long. She's in the 85th percentile for height and weight and the doctor said she is very healthy. He also told us to keep doing whatever we're doing since it seems to be working so well! Lily did have to get her first shots yesterday :( She's been a little grumpy for the last 24 hours or so, but hopefully she'll perk back up soon with the help of a few naps, some cuddling and a little bit of infant tylenol.

"What do you mean, I have to get shots?"
My grandparents are coming to visit this weekend, and we're so excited for Lily to meet her "GGs" :) They are thrilled as well and can't wait to get here! Also, our friend Joelle arrives next Friday for a long weekend visit. I am so happy that Lily is getting to know all of these special people in our lives!
Here are some pictures from the last week or so:

pretty fishy dress
are we taking pictures again?

"Can I reach that camera?" stretching in the morning
blowing bubbles
sitting up like a big girl
chubby baby cheeks :)

my favorite Lily lookwide eyed

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Big Smiles :)

I caught the big toothless grin on camera :) This is Lily looking at her favorite toy, a little red bird from her activity gym. I swear if she could talk, she would talk to this thing! We had fun with a little photo session yesterday afternoon...

Friday, September 5, 2008

London & Hanna

After we got back from DC last week, Mark actually had to leave again for a conference in London on Sunday. Lily and I were on our own for the week, and we had a really good week! We went out to lunch with friends, walked Honey downtown and had a lot of mommy-daughter time :) Mark had a great trip, but wound up coming home a little early since Tropical Storm Hanna is headed our way. Thank goodness he changed his flight - otherwise we probably wouldn't have seen him until much later this weekend. They shut down most of the flights this afternoon between 3 and 5pm (his original flight was supposed to get in at 9:45pm).

We're ready for the storm and hoping our power doesn't go out for too long! We have lots of water, food, batteries and candles to get us through :)