Wednesday, April 29, 2009

9 Month Update & Future Playmates!

Lots of new pictures and news to share! Lily had her 9 month appointment about 2 weeks ago, and she is still doing great. She weighed 17.6 lbs and is 28 inches tall. She is eating everything (I don't know where she puts all the food!) and is feeding herself quite a bit now. Lily has four teeth, can stand up and balance on her own, and Mark and I are expecting her to take off running any day now! She has become such a little person in the last month. Her personality comes out more every day and she is so much fun to be around.
Some of you may have noticed a new link in our "Favorite Websites" list for Baby Gilmore :) We want to congratulate our friends Joelle and Matt (whose wedding Lily attended in the womb!) on expecting their first baby! Also, my best friend from high school, Sarah and her husband John are also expecting their first baby! They are both due in mid-October, so Lily is going to have lots of new babies to play with in the fall :) We are very excited for both couples!
Our friend Hillary is due in the next few weeks with "Baby Baldwin" so keep an eye out for news of Bennett's arrival!!
dressed for the 'Nova game

crazy post-nap hair... i'm sure she's going to hate us for this picture someday!

passed out on daddy

bathing in dinner :)

self-serve spaghetti dinner

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