Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Year's Resolutions!

Happy New Year to all of you! It's hard to believe that I started this blog over two years ago to let you all know that I was pregnant with Lily!! Even though I've been terrible about updates for the last 6 months, it is my New Year's resolution to start posting on the blog more regularly again, especially since Baby Campbell #2 is well on his way!!!

As many of you already know (or may not since we've been terrible about telling people!), Lily is going to be a big sister somewhere around May 1st :) We found out at the beginning of December that she's getting a little brother, and we couldn't be happier. We are so lucky and looking forward to meeting this little man! I am a little over 24 weeks pregnant, and the baby has been SO active for the last couple of weeks. It's been fun to watch my belly get big again (much faster this time!), and to see a little person poking, rolling and jabbing away in there. Lily doesn't really know what's going on just yet, but she got a "baby" to practice with at Christmas. I think she's going to be a great (and bossy!) big sister :)

kissing cousins at Thanksgiving

with Nana at Christmas

Lily started a new daycare about 2 weeks ago and really seems to be enjoying it. We have so much fun watching her grow into a little person every day. Despite its challenges, toddlerhood with Lily has been incredible. She's talking and communicating more with us every day, and she has the sweetest, happiest little personality. Since the beginning, we've loved every minute with her and it's hard to believe that it only gets more fun with each day!

We've been busy with lots of visitors over Christmas and tons going on here. Other than that, we are staying busy with work and planning our trip to the Vancouver Olympics!! We've been working on this trip for a long time and it's hard to believe that it's right around the corner. We leave on February 17th, and I know it's going to be a blast! Stay tuned for updates from the trip!