Friday, June 27, 2008

38 weeks

Here is the latest belly shot. Yes, it is HUGE. Here is the link to this week's progress: Less than 2 weeks to go...

38 weeks and 1 day

It's hard to believe she's already big enough to fit in this tiny onesie :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Nursery is Done :)

Mark and I were able to finish things up this weekend and we both love it! I was in charge of design and he handled assembly, which seemed to work well for us ;) We both wanted to keep things pretty neutral since it's easy to go overboard on the pink! I love the end result, and I think it's a room that Lily can grow into for the next few years. Here are some pictures:

I think Lily's crib might rival our bed for being incredibly comfy!
View from the door
Glider with lots of blankets in reach & water lilies on the wall
Changing table/dresser. The dress hanging on the left is one that Mark's grandmother made by hand, and the ones on the right are things we're contemplating for her coming home from the hospital outfit.
I think Lily already has more clothes than we do...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Full Term Baby!

So, with only 3 weeks to go until my due date, Lily is officially considered a full-term baby! That means her lungs should be fully developed now, and she should have no (or at least very few/minor) medical problems if I were to go into labor at any point between now and my due date. At my doctor's visit last week, my OB estimated that she was about 6 lbs, and at this point she is gaining about an ounce each day. She has "dropped" a little bit and I notice the difference in my profile since my tummy is lower than it was before. I can feel her running out of room in there! She does a lot of stretching and rolling around now instead of jabbing, and she gets hiccups every now and then too :) Mark likes to watch the various bulges and movement in my stomach from across the couch! I am now down to weekly doctor's appointments, and go in again on Monday. I have plans to pack my hospital bag this weekend and finish up any baby-related things around here. After that, I just have some organizing to do for the house to keep me busy until Lily makes her arrival. I started working from home this week which has been really nice, and most of my projects are wrapping up now.

Mark has a new toy, a digital SLR camera! I'm sure we'll have some great pictures to post after we figure out how to use it... Maybe we'll practice with it for next week's belly shot, but I know one thing - Lily is going to be a very photographed little girl!

Congrats to my friend Lauren and her husband Ed on the birth of their little boy, Luke, last week! He is just adorable and they are doing so well as new parents. And another congrats to Amanda, Clint and Abbey, who are expecting again this winter (see the link to The Newest Neville over to the right)!! Happy Birthday to my Dad, Melissa and Abbey as well! And a happy belated Father's Day to all the dads out there!

All of you Baby Campbell lurkers out there - POST YOUR GUESSES ON THE POLL!! You only have a few more weeks to guess!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

One month to go!

Lily's due date is one month from today!! Just one more week and she'll be considered a full-term baby. We couldn't be more excited (or more impatient!) for her to arrive. It has been incredibly hot and humid here (in the high 90's and low 100's) for the last week or so, and they claim the "heat wave" is supposed to break tonight. Tomorrow should be in the high 80's instead ;) At this point, I'll take what I can get!

Knowing me as well as you all do, I'm sure lots of you are wondering where the completed pictures of the nursery are... Unfortunately we have had some minor issues with our furniture (broken, backordered, etc.), but everything has started arriving in the last week, so Mark and I spent a good part of the weekend organizing and putting together the nursery. It feels great to have checked some things off the "to do" list! We're still waiting on the crib and the glider, but here are some in-progress pictures. (Notice Cookie lurking in the corners of the pictures? The cats have decided that Lily's room is really theirs... Trouble likes to sleep under her swing!)

I start my weekly doctor's appointments on Friday, and this is my last week working in the office! I'll be working from home for the next couple of weeks though to wrap things up. I'm lucky to have such a flexible job where I can work remotely. Here is the latest 36 week picture of my (HUGE!) stomach. Honey decided she wanted in on the photo shoot too :)