Monday, March 31, 2008

Congrats, Wedding & Home Stretch!!

Hi Everyone! I just wanted to post a quick update since things have been so busy lately. I'll post some pictures and more details later in the week, I promise!

For now, ANOTHER big congrats to my cousin Emily, who won The US FreeStyle Championship last week!!! She has had an amazing season, and this was an incredible way to end it! We're looking forward to seeing her do even better next season, and ultimately making it to the Olympics in 2010 :) Here is the article from the US Ski Team website on her win: With these genes in the family, Mark swears he's going to have Lily on skis as soon as she can stand!

Mark and I spent the weekend in St. Augustine, FL attending the wedding of our close friends, Hillary and Quinn! We had an amazing time, met their wonderful friends and family and enjoyed a beautiful wedding ceremony. We have lots of great pictures, and I promise I will upload them in the next few days! Also, Hillary celebrated her birthday on Sunday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! They are just special, wonderful people and great friends. We were honored to be there and take part in such a beautiful day.

In baby news, Lily is doing great! I feel her moving around all the time, and Mark can feel her kick pretty much every day now! My doctor's appointments have been great, and she is measuring right on target with a nice, strong heartbeat. Less than 100 days to go until her due date!!! I transition into my third trimester this week, so we're in the home stretch!! We can't wait :)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Hope you're all out somewhere drinking green beer and eating corned beef and cabbage!

What a difference a month makes! That's about how long it's been since the last time I posted a belly shot, and Lily has done some serious growing since then!! As of now (24 weeks), she's about a foot long and weighs over a pound. She has been making her presence well known for the last couple of weeks, and I spent most of Saturday afternoon watching my stomach bounce around from all the little kicks and jabs this peanut was giving! Mark has been able to feel (and watch) her kick now too, which has been a lot of fun. Lily can hear us now as well, so if you're on the phone with me and want to say hi, just ask me to put the phone to my belly :)

Mark and I painted the nursery on Sunday afternoon (a color called "South Sea Pearl" - looks a little like sand), and it came out great! We'll be decorating it over the next couple of weeks and will post some pictures when there's more to see.

Starting next weekend (with Hillary and Quinn's wedding!!!) we have a busy couple of months coming up! We have all kinds of trips planned, both for work and pleasure, and we'll also have several visitors between now and the end of May. We're looking forward to all of the activity, and I'm hoping it makes the time go by a little faster too :) The Azalea Festival is coming up here in Wilmington, which is a really fun time full of activities and it's also incredibly beautiful with all of the flowers in bloom all over the place! I'll be sure to post pictures from all the action and Diana's visit that weekend.

We have a few congratulations to send out. First, a very belated congratulations to my cousin Emily, who won her first World Cup competition in Moscow a couple of weeks ago!!! This is an incredible accomplishment, and we are SO PROUD of her. Her website is listed over to the right - I promise if you take a look, you'll become an instant fan! Also, congrats to Diana (Mark's mom), who adopted a new dog this weekend! We're looking forward to meeting Bo soon!

Anyway, sorry for the long post! Hope all is well and you're enjoying the luck of the Irish today!!

Latest belly picture (as of 5 minutes ago)
I swear it looks bigger on the camera than it does in the mirror!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Gorgeous Wedding!

As I mentioned in my last post, Mark and I had plans to attend a wedding last weekend. We started to get worried on Thursday night when we saw the huge snowstorm heading towards the Northeast. After two cancelled flights due to the weather and few tearful phone calls (thinking we weren't going to make it!), we actually made it to Philadelphia for Joelle and Matt's wedding! Mark found a flight online at the last minute for VERY early Saturday morning that got us into town for a quick 36 hour trip, but it was totally worth it! We hadn't called to tell Joelle and Matt about the last minute flight, just in case something happened, and we wound up literally running into Joelle at the hotel - there was a lot of screaming, jumping up and down and hugging :)

Joelle looked amazing, and she and Matt are one of the sweetest couples I've ever met. The ceremony was perfect and the reception was so much fun! Despite our 4am wake-up call, Mark and I actually made it to the end of the party and danced the night away with the newlyweds and their friends and family. After a very sound night of sleep, we went to the goodbye brunch in the morning (yum!) and spent some time with Mark's best friend Kris and his wife Beth, for shopping and lunch in downtown Philly. It was a great weekend, and it meant so much to us to be there. We got some great pictures of the perfect day, and even found time to sneak away to the Villanova bookstore and buy Lily her first present from Mom and Dad!

Lily is getting more active, and I'm feeling her move more every day. In fact, I actually watched my stomach bounce up and down the other night!! Hopefully Mark will be able to feel her move soon too :)

The church at Villanova

Happy couple walking down the aisle!

First Dance :)

Me and the beautiful bride

Lily's present :) "I'm Behind the Wildcats! Open with Caution..."