Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving :)

Happy Turkey Day! Hope all of you are spending time with friends and family, enjoying the holiday. We have spent the last several Thanksgivings at Mark's sister's house in Virginia, and we miss them, but we had a good time with just our little family of four.

Lily and Ryan's cousin Parker celebrated his third birthday last weekend - Lily walked around all last Saturday singing "Happy Birthday" to Parker :)

Here are some videos from the last month or so...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Hello Pittsburgh!

So we've had some pretty big changes in the last few months! For those of you who don't know, we moved to Pittsburgh :) Mark had a great job opportunity here, and I was able to find a wonderful job as well, so we decided to take the plunge and move back into the snow and cold. So far it has been great! We miss our friends in Wilmington (and our house!), but it has been a great move for us. We got here on Labor Day in September, and we have been busy moving, unpacking, getting settled into work and daycare and exploring our new city. Pittsburgh has a lot to offer, and we plan to take advantage of all of the parks, sporting events, museums and kids' activities around!

We've had lots of visitors already and anticipate lots more over the next few months. We're happy to have seasons again and are looking forward to our first snow here, which should happen soon. We're also thrilled to be closer to our friends and family in the Northeast. The kids have been troopers through this whole process, and Nana (Mark's mom) has been a big help getting us settled here.

We found an amazing daycare for the kids, and they are both doing great there. They are both SO big!!! Lily talks constantly, and we are continually surprised by the things that come out of her mouth :) Her favorite phrases right now are "That's awesome!" and "Yummy in my tummy!" She is identifying emotions all the time and enjoys playing with her friends at school. I know I'm biased, but she is super smart :) She is really independent, but still loves to cuddle (on her terms, of course), and she is an amazing big sister. She is very loving towards Ryan and loves to help with every aspect of his care.

Ryan is 6 1/2 months old!!! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. He is sitting up on his own, and I know it won't be long before he starts crawling. It's funny how with Lily, I couldn't wait for all of her "first" things - with Ryan I want the baby phase to last forever (with the exception of the not sleeping thing!). I think if he never crawled, I would be ok with that ;) I have never met such a happy child. He smiles and laughs constantly and is in awe of his big sister. If she's anywhere in sight, his eyes never leave her. Ryan started eating cereal last weekend, and we added some veggies in this week. He seems to be enjoying it and Lily (of course) likes to help feed him. He doesn't have any teeth yet, but we're working on it!

Here are some pictures from the last few months. It's amazing how much they've changed in just a short time. We love and miss all of you and look forward to catching up now that things have settled down a bit. Our doors are always open for visitors!!

milkshake after berry picking this summer
one of our last weekends in Wilmington
just hanging around
reading with Papa
ladybug for halloween
showing ryan how to trick or treat
ryan's favorite activity - bouncing!
big blue eyes and all that blonde hair :)
lily's "turn" feeding ryan